
  • To educate students, faculty, and staff about the presence of asbestos at the university,
  • To identify the potential hazards associated with occupational and environmental asbestos exposure, and
  • To establish University requirements to prevent occupational exposure to asbestos and maintain it in an undamaged condition

General Information

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that was used extensively in hundreds of products because of its insulation, fire protection, and acoustical properties. Some examples of products manufactured with asbestos include vinyl floor tile and mastic (adhesives), pipe insulation, thermal system insulation on mechanical equipment, acoustical plaster, structural steel fireproofing, ceiling tiles, roofing materials, laboratory hood panels, laboratory benches, automobile brakes and clutches, laboratory heating mantles, and fire resistant gloves and apparel. All materials suspected of containing asbestos should be treated as such until material sampling and analysis can determine the actual asbestos content. Confirmed asbestos containing materials do not pose a health risk when they are intact and well-maintained.

Occupational asbestos exposure can result in pulmonary diseases such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer, and stomach cancer. Occupational exposure refers to work activities associated with the manufacture of asbestos containing products or the maintenance, renovation, or demolition of asbestos containing building materials over a long time period. Environmental exposure refers to activities that are unlikely to damage or disturb asbestos containing materials, and the health risk associated with environmental asbestos exposure appears to be very low.

In 1985, Rutgers established an asbestos management program to prevent damage to asbestos containing materials, to minimize or prevent employee occupational asbestos exposures, to minimize environmental exposure to building occupants, and when necessary, to remove asbestos products safely and effectively.

Safety guidelines

Students and Parents

All University housing that contains asbestos surfacing (ceiling) materials is inspected on an annual basis by REHS staff. Areas of damage are noted, and repairs are made by licensed asbestos abatement contractors following state and federal regulations prior to occupancy by students and residents of these facilities.

At the beginning of the fall semester, students residing in dormitories that contain asbestos surfacing materials receive notification letters advising them of the presence of asbestos in their building. These letters identify activities they must avoid to prevent damage to the ceiling, and request that they report damage immediately.

Faculty and Building Occupants

All University academic buildings that contain asbestos surfacing (ceiling) materials are inspected on an annual basis by REHS staff. Areas of damage are noted, and repairs are made by licensed asbestos abatement contractors in accordance with state and federal regulations. Other building materials are maintained intact (undamaged condition), and damage observed is repaired as soon as REHS staff notes it or it is reported to REHS.

REHS notifies building occupants of asbestos abatement projects conducted in their building according to the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code for Asbestos.

Faculty and building occupants are instructed to avoid activities that would damage asbestos ceilings and to report any damage observed.

Maintenance Staff and Supervisors

REHS staff provides the following services to avoid asbestos exposure:

Sample building materials that may be impacted by work activities, Arrange for removal of asbestos containing material before renovation or repair work, Provide asbestos awareness training to new employees, and annual refresher training for employees that may come in contact with asbestos.

Staff is notified of the presence of asbestos in their work area through annual asbestos awareness training, memos reporting the results of asbestos sample results, and by signs posted on mechanical rooms in buildings with asbestos containing material.

Responsibilities for these employees are as follows: Rutgers University Asbestos Management Program Employee Responsibilities

Planner Estimators and Project Managers

REHS staff performs or arranges for asbestos building surveys for large renovation projects, collects bulk samples from suspect asbestos containing materials that may be impacted by specific work activities, and schedules asbestos abatement (removal) work prior to planned renovation or repair work.

Planner Estimators and Project Managers are notified of the presence of asbestos in their work area through memos reporting the results of asbestos samples and building survey results and by signs posted on mechanical rooms in buildings with asbestos containing material.

Responsibilities for these employees are as follows: Rutgers University Asbestos Management Program Employee Responsibilities



Asbestos (Occupational Health) Program Management:
Ian Pracher
(848) 445-3070

Asbestos Abatement (Removal) Services Program Management:
Mike Smith
(848) 445-2550

Campus Health Safety Specialists, or call (848) 445-2550