An effective asbestos management program requires the participation of all members of the university community and an understanding of each employee’s responsibility within this program. Rutgers University employees shall not perform work activities that disturb presumed asbestos containing materials (PACM) and confirmed asbestos containing materials (ACM); in addition, Rutgers University employees must avoid all activities that could result in damage to or disturbance of these materials. If an employee believes their assigned work activities will disturb PACM or ACM, the employee must notify their supervisor immediately. The supervisor must evaluate the work activities and suggest alternate work methods that will not disturb PACM or ACM. If alternate work methods can not be developed that avoid damaging or disturbing ACM, then the supervisor must postpone the scheduled work activities until the ACM is removed.

Currently, licensed asbestos abatement contractors perform all asbestos abatement work at Rutgers University. REHS is available to develop and review work practices performed by Rutgers University employees for activities which result in contact with ACM; however, work practices must be developed and approved on a case-by-case basis that, at a minimum, complies with all state and federal regulations. Until these specific work practices are developed, the following guidelines must be observed by all employees to avoid damage to or disturbance of asbestos containing material:


  • Ensures supervisors, project managers, and planner/estimators review and comply with provisions of this asbestos management policy.
  • Ensures employees receive appropriate training and supervision to maintain compliance with this document.
  • Ensures building occupants are notified of planned and scheduled asbestos abatement (removal) work within their buildings.

A. Supervisors, Project Managers, Planner/Estimators
  • Requests asbestos survey information on building materials impacted by planned maintenance and renovation activities.
  • Defines the scope of the maintenance and renovation projects.
  • Requests estimates and coordinates the scheduling of asbestos abatement work with REHS and the building occupants.
  • Notifies building occupants of planned asbestos abatement work for maintenance and renovation activities.
  • Ensures their employees attend asbestos awareness training as required and ensures employees implement the elements of this training in their daily work activities.
  • Contacts REHS to assess potential employee exposures prior to initiation of work activities.
  • Reports incidents that damage asbestos-containing materials and asbestos debris discovered in buildings.
  • Attends required training and complies with the asbestos management program.
B. Maintenance and Custodial Workers
  • Before starting work, consult with your supervisor to determine if asbestos will be impacted by your work activities.
  • Carefully plan and complete your work to avoid damaging asbestos.
  • Immediately report any suspected asbestos exposure or damaged asbestos in your work area to your supervisor. Attend the required training necessary to perform your work activities.
  • Do not drill, sand, or cut into asbestos containing materials.
  • Do not sweep or vacuum asbestos containing debris.
  • Do not store materials against asbestos containing materials or damage asbestos while moving furniture or other objects.
  • Do not eat, drink, or store food in areas containing friable asbestos containing materials.