Police Emergency

Active Shooter

Active Shooter Situation

The following guidelines are intended to reduce your risk in the event of an Active Shooter Situation. An active shooter situation is defined as any incident in which a person or persons armed with a deadly weapon is actively and presently employing the weapons against innocent victims.

If you are outside a building when someone begins to shoot at people in the area:

Immediately take cover, (hide behind something hard, that will stop or slow bullets), or circumstances permitting, enter an unaffected building. In the event neither cover nor entering a building is possible, run in a zigzag fashion away from the sound of gunfire. Dial 911.

If you are approached by police officers, keep your hands visible. Do not run up to them if you see them approaching. They are trained to handle active shooters in certain situations. An initial team of police officers will be trying to stop the shooter and will not be stopping to assist others at this time.

If you are in a building when someone begins to shoot at people in the area:

If possible without compromising your safety, EXIT immediately and Dial 911. If leaving would jeopardize your safety, secure your immediate area by:
  • Locking and barricading doors
  • Turning off lights
  • Closing blinds
  • Locking windows

Contacting the Authorities:

Even if phone lines are overwhelmed and your call does not go through, stay calm and continue to call 911. Program these numbers into your cell phone so you will have them in the event of an emergency. 

  • Keep quiet. Silence cell phones (not even vibrate); turn off radios and computer monitors.
  • Stay out of sight and take adequate cover/protection (i.e. concrete walls, filing cabinets).
  • Do not stand by doors or windows
  • Do not huddle in masses.
  • A plan must be made with the occupants of a room if the suspect(s) should enter.

What to Report:

  • Shooter(s) location, number of suspects, and their identities if known.
  • Race/gender, clothing description, physical features of the suspect(s).
  • Type of weapons (long gun or handgun), backpacks or duffel bags, separate explosions from gunfire, etc.
  • Your specific location building name and office/room number.
  • Number of people at your specific location.
  • Injuries, number of persons injured, and types of injuries.

Un-Securing an area:

  • Remember, the shooter will not stop until they are stopped by an outside force.
  • Consider the risks before un-securing(unlocking) rooms.
  • If doubt exists about the safety of the individuals inside the room, the area should remain secured. 

If you are approached by police officers, keep your hands visible. Do not run up to them if you see them approaching. They are trained to handle active shooters in certain situations. An initial team of police officers will be trying to stop the shooter and will not be stopping to assist others at this time. Remember, the shooter will not stop until they are stopped by an outside force. Consider the risks before un-securing(unlocking) rooms. If doubt exists about the safety of the individuals inside the room, the area should remain secured. 

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Bomb Threat

• Keep the caller on the line as long you can and attempt to obtain as much information as possible.
• Ask for the message to be repeated to confirm it. Write down all information received.
• If possible, record the message. Possible questions to ask the caller include:

- When is the bomb going to explode?
- Where is the bomb located?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What does it look like?
- Why was the bomb placed there?

• Listen closely to the voice (male or female), voice quality (calm or excited), accents, age of caller, and speech impediments. Try to obtain the caller"s identity.
• Pay particular attention to background noises, which may give a clue as to the location of the caller.
• Report the threat immediately by calling 911

• Wait for instructions from emergency responders (e.g., Police Dispatchers, Police, Bomb Squad, etc.)
• Do not activate the fire alarm, unless instructed to do so by emergency responders.
• If found, do not touch or handle the suspicious package.
DO NOT USE cellular phones or two-way radios near the package.
Intruder/Suspicious Person

If you encounter someone in your building who is behaving in a way that seems suspicious to you, such as trying to hide, enter unauthorized offices, or attempting to conceal a weapon, call 911, be prepared to provide their description and location.

If an armed or threatening intruder comes in to your facility report it immediately and take protective actions. Rutgers University maintains an open campus which creates unique challenges when encountered by unfamiliar or suspicious persons.

If you see an armed intruder and you are in an office or classroom:

  • Leave the building immediately
  • If you are not able to leave immediately lock all doors or move to a secure area. Call 911
  • Remain calm; give an accurate description of the person or person(s). Note clothing, height, weight, gender, and any other descriptive information that is particular to the individual(s). Report the type of weapon (if known) and direction of travel or building entered.
  • Do not draw attention to yourself; silence your phone, turn off lights, and all audio equipment.
  • Stay out of the open areas and be as quiet as possible.
  • Keep classroom or office secure until police arrive and provide further instructions.

If you are caught in an open or exposed area and you cannot get into a secure area or office you must decide upon a course of action:


If you can safely make it out of the area, then RUN. If you decide to run, stay low and do not run in a straight line. Attempt to keep objects (trees, vehicles, trash cans, etc.) between you and the hostile person. When away from immediate areas of danger, summon help and warn others.


If you are not able to leavelook for a safe and secure hiding area. Once in place remain calm and alert. Stay hidden; await emergency personnel and follow their instructions.

If you are not able to leavelook for a safe and secure hiding area. Once in place remain calm and alert. Stay hidden; await emergency personnel and follow their instructions.

If the intruder is causing death or physical injury to others and you are unable to run or hide:

Play Dead

You may choose to assume a prone position and lay as still as possible.


If you are confronted by someone who is causing death or physical injury to others and you are unable to get away your last option is to fight back. Work together with other trapped persons. This is extremely dangerous, however depending on your situation, this could be your only option to survive.

Suspicious Activity

The university, like any other community in our nation, is at risk of terrorism or other threats to life and property. Vigilance is a key protective measure that can help reduce risk. All members of the university community, when on and off campus, are urged to be attentive to their surroundings, notice suspicious behavior or circumstances and report their observations to authorities in a timely fashion.


When noticing something that you feel may be suspicious:

  • Place your observation into context. Is there a plausible explanation that would account for the activity you observe? Does this explanation convince you that there is no potential for a threat to public safety?
  • Do not attempt to rationalize your suspicions.
  • In other words, if it does not look right or if you have any feeling that the actions or circumstances you observe are suspicious, report your observations immediately.
  • Suspicious activities on campus should be reported to the Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD). If the suspicious activity is in progress and poses an immediate threat, call 911

Suspicious activities observed off campus should be reported to the appropriate municipal police department or by contacting the New Jersey State Office of Homeland Security & Preparedness in one of the following methods:

When reporting suspicious behavior or circumstances be prepared to include as much of the following information as possible:


Describe who you feel is involved in suspicious activity.


Describe the suspicious activity. Indicate if there is an immediate threat to persons nearby or to responding officers (such as an unattended package, an individual acting strangely,the presence of weapons, hazardous materials, etc.)


Indicate if the activity is in progress. Give the time(s) that the activities occurred.


Give the location of the suspicious activity and the location of the suspect(s).


Indicate why the activity is suspicious. If known, tell what might be the target of the activity.

Please include any other information that would aid the responders.

Stay on the telephone until released by the dispatcher. If you are in a position of safety, you may be asked to maintain observation and report developments until the arrival of emergency response personnel. You may also be given emergency instructions by the dispatcher.

Remember, if you see suspicious activity or packages while visiting
Rutgers University, pick up the phone and report it.
It's our job to check it out and to keep you safe! Stay alert. Be aware. Speak up.
Suspicious Mail


If you are suspicious of a mail item, (i.e. letter, package, etc) and are unable to verify the contents with the addressee or sender:

• Do not open
• Treat it as suspect
• Isolate it
• Dial 911.

Mail that may have a light coating of a powdery substance:

• Wash your hands with soap and water
• Notify RUPD and your immediate supervisor
• Ensure that all persons who have touched the letter/package wash their hands with soap and water
• List the names and contact information of all persons who have touched the letter/package
• Isolate the package and follow the instructions of RUPD and Emergency Services Personnel

Suspicious mail may have the following characteristics:

• Type of mail Foreign, Priority, Special Delivery
• Restrictive Endorsements Confidential, Personal,To Be Opened By Addressee Only
• Postmark city different from return address
• Fictitious, unfamiliar or no return address
• Excessive postage (usually postage stamps)
• Visual Distractions - Fragile, Rush, Handle with Care
• Address to title only (i.e., Vice President)
• Wrong title with name Poorly typed or handwritten address
• Misspelled words
• Rigid or bulky Protruding wires, screws or other metal parts
• Strange odor
• Oily stains or discoloration on wrapping
• Lopsided package or uneven envelope
• Excessive Binding Material, masking, electric or strapping tape, string or twine 
Civil Disturbance

If you are a victim or a witness to any offense, observe a criminal act or suspicious person on campus, dial 911. 

  • Note details and supply the dispatcher with any helpful information.
  • Everyone can help make the campus a safe place by promptly reporting suspicious or criminal activity.

If a civil disturbance or riot is in progress:

  • Keep a safe distance from any crowd activities that appear unsafe.
  • Secure your area, lock doors and windows.
  • Avoid confrontation with crowd participants.
  • If police are not already present, report details of the event to RUPD.

If you are involved in a hostage situation:

  • The initial capture phase presents your best opportunity to escape; so if possible, avoid becoming a hostage in the first place. Should you be taken hostage, your primary goal is to stay alive.
  • As quickly as possible, try to assess the intent of the hostage taker (i.e., financial gain/ransom, terrorist/political motives, or to cause harm), this will help in deciding the best course of action.
  • If taken as a hostage, attempt to gain control over panic reactions and maintain a calm and clear-headed composure. Hostages who are hysterical or overly emotional draw attention to themselves. Control impulsive behavior and avoid overt resistance.
  • Comply with the hostage taker(s) instructions. Attempt to calm other hostages.
  • Do not antagonize or threaten the captor.
  • Eye contact may appear to be a challenge to the hostage taker(s) domination, especially in the early stages.
  • Be observant; note the hostage taker(s) descriptions, speech and behaviors.
  • As time passes, attempt to show the captor(s) your humanity by fostering communication on non-threatening topics such as family or interests, but avoid political, religious, and other potentially sensitive issues.
  • Be aware of possible escape opportunities, but attempt an escape ONLY if you are reasonably certain that remaining a hostage will likely lead to your being injured or killed if you remain a hostage.
  • If there is a rescue attempt, follow the instructions of emergency responders (i.e., lie down, keep still, identify yourself), if you are unsure of what to do, stay low and ensure that the emergency responders can see your empty hands. The rescuers will need to be able to separate the hostages from the hostage takers.
Workplace Violence

Rutgers' University Policy (60.1.13) prohibits workplace violence. Specifically, the University will respond promptly to violence, threats of violence, harassment, intimidation, or disruptive behavior of a threatening nature toward people or property. Individuals who violate this policy may be removed from Rutgers property and are subject to disciplinary and/or personnel action up to, and including, termination and/or criminal prosecution.

Workplace violence is defined as any actual or threatening behavior of a violent nature, as understood by a reasonable person, exhibited by faculty, staff, student employees, or others.

Examples of workplace violence include, but are not limited to:

  • Intentional physical contact to cause harm (such as slapping, punching, striking, shoving, or otherwise physically attacking a person).
  • Menacing or threatening behavior (such as throwing objects, waving fists, damaging property, stalking, or otherwise acting aggressively; or, using oral or written statements specifically intended to frighten, coerce, or cause distress) where such behavior would be interpreted by a reasonable person as being evidence of intent to cause physical harm to individuals or property.
  • Possessing any firearm, imitation firearm, or any components that can readily be assembled into a firearm or other weapon, as defined by the Laws of New Jersey NJSA 2c:39-6).

Reporting Workplace Violence:

  • General Reporting Responsibilities: Any member of the University community who has been subject to workplace violence or who has witnessed workplace violence should promptly notify the appropriate university official. Additionally, employees are encouraged to report behavior that they reasonably believe poses a potential for workplace violence as defined above. All University employees muste take this responsibility seriously.
  • Reporting Imminent or Actual Violence: Any person experiencing or witnessing imminent or actual violence involving weapons or potential injuries should dial 911. 
  • Report Acts of Violence Not Involving Weapons or Injuries to Persons: Any person who is the subject of, or witness to, a suspected violation of this policy should report the incident to his or her supervisor or, in lieu thereof, to the appropriate Designated University Representative listed below:
  • Rutgers University—Camden: Associate Chancellor for Administration and Finance
  • Rutgers Biomedical Health Science - Newark: Provost
  • Rutgers Biomedical Health Science - New Brunswick: Provost
  • Rutgers University—Newark: Associate Chancellor
  • Rutgers University—New Brunswick Campuses: Office of Labor Relations
  • Law Enforcement Agencies: All individuals who believe a crime has been committed against them have the right and are encouraged, to report the incident to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

False Reports: Employees who intentionally file false reports of workplace violence will be subject to penalties, up to, and including disciplinary action, termination, and criminal prosecution.

Clery Act "Safety Matters"

Clery Act "Safety Matters"

The latest version of "Safety Matters", the Annual Campus Security & Fire Safety Report for Rutgers University, is now available online for review! This comprehensive report provides a useful overview of our progressive Public Safety Services and includes statistical crime and fire-related information.  Safety Matters is available for review by all current and prospective members of the University community as required under the Jeanne Clery Act of 1998.

"Safety Matters" includes:

  • Three years on/off campus crime statistics
  • Fire log and other related fire safety information
  • Procedures for the reporting of criminal activities and emergencies on campus
  • Policies regarding the security of and access to campus facilities
  • Information on law enforcement on campus
  • Emergency response and notification procedures
  • Descriptions of campus security, crime prevention, and alcohol/drug educational programs
  • Policies regarding the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages, and illegal drugs Information on campus sexual assault prevention programs and procedures to follow in the event of a sexual assault
  • Procedures for missing student notification
  • Where information concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained

"Safety Matters" is available Online.

A paper copy can be obtained at each RUPD headquarters or by emailing clery@aps.rutgers.edu.
The locations of the RUPD headquarters are listed below.

Rutgers University—New Brunswick: 55 Commercial Avenue
Rutgers Biomedical Health Science at Newark: 5 Bruce Street
Rutgers University—Newark: 200 University Avenue
Rutgers University—Camden: 25 North 5th Avenue, Camden, NJ 0810

For more information about Rutgers" commitment to safety and compliance with the Clery Act, please visit rupd.rutgers.edu/aboutsafe.php.

Safety of Minors

Rutgers University serves more than 71,000 minors annually. University students, faculty, and staff interact with youth in many ways. You may be a coach, counselor, mentor, researcher, teacher, or volunteer. Perhaps you are with an outside group, such as a school or camp that brings kids to Rutgers.

Whatever your role, the Protection of Minors website was designed to be a resource to understand your role in the protection of minors on campus.

University Policies & Guide to Working with Minors

If you manage, participate in, or oversee programs or activities involving minors, please review the University's Policy and Guide to Working with Minors. Any program involving minors or volunteers working within laboratories must also follow the laboratory safety policy established by Rutgers Environmental Health & Safety (REHS).

Reporting Incidents

In cases where you find yourself either a victim of or a witness to suspected criminal activities, you should take one or more of the following steps:

Dial 911 to contact police in an emergency, or if you believe immediate assistance is required, or if you suspect criminal activity. Call the Rutgers University Police Department on your campus for non-emergency situations:

  • RUPD New Brunswick Division: (732) 932-7211
  • RUPD Newark Division: (973) 972-4491 or (973) 353-5581
  • RUPD Camden Division: (856) 225-6111
Report any suspicion or knowledge of child abuse or neglect to the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) at 1-877-NJ ABUSE (1-877-652-2873). New Jersey law requires that all persons who have reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subjected to child abuse or neglect must report it to DYFS. We also urge you to call the Rutgers University Police Department (RUPD).
  • Call the Rutgers Office for Violence Prevention and Victim Assistance at (732) 932-1181 for assistance to victims of crimes or for confidential counseling about sexual assaults.  Students may also contact the counseling center or the student health center on their campus.
  • Send an electronic message to the Rutgers Compliance Hotline or 1-800-215-9664 at to anonymously report suspicions of questionable financial practices or other unethical behavior.

You are also reminded that you can anonymously report information on suspected criminal activity by either calling the Rutgers University Police Department at your University location or calling Crime Stoppers at 1-800-939-9600.

The University is committed to not retaliating against any individual who reports a reasonable belief that there is a violation of law or policy. We strive to make Rutgers a community where we are safe in our educational and work environments.​​​​​​

RUPD Communications Center
Location Emergency Non-Emergency (Outside Line)
New Brunswick/Piscataway Obtain an Outside line then dial 911 (732) 932-7111
Newark Obtain an Outside line then dial 911 (973) 972-4491 or (973) 353-5111
Camden Obtain an Outside line then dial 911 (856) 225-6111
Farms, Research Stations & other University Facilities Obtain an Outside line then dial 911 (732) 932-7111