The members of the Rutgers University Police Department are committed to providing law enforcement services that are fair, effective, and impartially applied. It is in the best interests of everyone that your complaint about the performance of an individual officer is resolved fairly and promptly. The Police Department has formal procedures for investigating your complaint. These procedures ensure fairness and protect the rights of both citizens and law enforcement officers.

How to file a complaint

Complaints against employees of the Rutgers Police Department may be made to any member of the agency and will be accepted from any person, including anonymous sources, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or immigration status. Complaints will be accepted by email, phone, letter, or in person.

Report the incident to an on-duty police supervisor.
Police supervisors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To request to speak with a police supervisor regarding an allegation of misconduct, please call (848) 932-7211.

Report the incident at any police facility.
Personnel are available to accept complaints at all police facilities

Report the incident directly to the Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB).
To make a complaint directly to an investigator in the Internal Affairs Bureau, call (848) 932-5959, Monday through Friday during normal business hours. Complaints can be submitted to

Download the Internal Affairs Information Sheet & Internal Affairs Report Form and include as much of the following information as you can remember:

  • Date, time, and location of the incident
  • Name(s) and badge number(s) of the member(s) involved
  • Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of any witnesses
  • Circumstances of the incident

The Internal Affairs Information Sheet & Internal Affairs Report Form is available in the following languages:

Additional Resources:

What will happen to the employee?

If the investigation indicates the employee has violated Department Policy, corrective action commensurate with the severity of the violation will be taken. Mitigating circumstances may be considered by the Chief of University Police in determining appropriate penalties. Action taken may involve:

  • Counseling (non-discipline)
  • Remedial training (non-discipline)
  • Written reprimand 
  • Suspension 
  • Reduction in rank 
  • Termination 

Complainants will be notified in writing by the Professional Standards Division when the complaint has been resolved, however, the exact discipline imposed is a confidential personnel matter and will not be revealed to the complainant. Members of the department can appeal the decision of the Chief of Police. In the event of a hearing, the complainant and witnesses may be called to testify.

Below please find the Internal Affairs Annual Summary Reports and Major Discipline Reports for the Rutgers University Police Department