The following protocols have been developed for you, your department, and your organization to utilize in preparing for future adverse weather conditions.

How to Prepare

Perform an operational review. Take the time to perform an assessment of your department's critical operations and identify key resources to support the maintenance of those areas that require minimal to no disruption. Categorize basic operational needs (power, water, personnel, fuel, etc.) that you will require in order to function. Determine if your department's ability to perform operations will have an impact on health and/or safety.

Be familiar with the University's Emergency Action Plan(s). The university's Emergency Action Plan(s) are available online. Please visit for this and other valuable information.

Have a communications plan and share that plan with relevant parties. Reliance on one form of communication may limit or completely disable your ability to impart essential information to students, staff, and other members of the university community. Ensure that your plan is accessible in the event of a loss of power or network connectivity. Create a phone tree for your unit and have paper copies available.

Plan for the possible disruption of IT resources. During severe weather conditions, you should be prepared for loss of network connectivity, access to electronic data/files, phone service, etc. Create a plan to be able to have data/files available remotely (if possible and permissible) via an external hard drive, alternate workspace, and/or use of cloud technology. In the event VoIP phones are not functioning, landlines (such as those used for fax machines) may serve as an alternative.

Prepare for the resumption of operations. Determine what actions are reasonable and practical to take before, during, and after the storm/event to ensure a timely recommencement of services. Assess damages (if any) and report those damages to the appropriate party (Facilities, Public Safety, etc.). Utilize previously identified alternate work locations if necessary and available.

Putting these protocols into place will help make Rutgers a more resilient institution and community.

Additional Resources


Rutgers Resources:

Hurricane Information:

New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Resources:

Radio stations and their websites: