The University has essential operations and functions that must be performed, or rapidly and efficiently resumed, in a disaster or other emergency. Emergency events can quickly interrupt, paralyze, and/or destroy the ability of Rutgers to perform these essential operations. While the impact of these emergencies cannot be predicted, planning for operations under such conditions can mitigate the impact of the emergency on our people, our facilities, our services, our mission, and our communities.

Continuity of Operations & Governance Plan

Rutgers University, along with its officials, schools, units, departments, offices, and other internal organizations, is preparing a comprehensive and effective Continuity of Operations/Continuity of Governance Plan to ensure that essential operations can be performed during an emergency situation that may disrupt normal operations. This plan is being developed to establish policy and guidance to ensure the execution of mission-essential functions and to direct the relocation of personnel and resources to an alternate facility capable of supporting operations. The plan outlines procedures for alerting, notifying, activating, and deploying personnel; identifying the mission-critical functions; establishing an alternate facility; and identifying personnel with authority and knowledge of these functions.

10 Phases to Business Continuity Planning

  1. Project Initiation and Management
  2. Risk Evaluation and Control 
  3. Business Impact Analysis 
  4. Developing Business Continuity Management Strategies 
  5. Emergency Response and Operations 
  6. Developing and Implementing Business Continuity Plans 
  7. Awareness and Training Programs 
  8. Exercising and Maintaining Business Continuity Programs 
  9. Crisis Communications 
  10. Communicating with External Agencies 

Business Impact Analysis

Objectives of a Business Impact Analysis (BIA): A BIA is used to identify essential functions and operations. It provides information about potential financial exposures/impacts and identifies dependencies.

Goals of a BIA are to:

  • Identify what business processes and assets require the highest level of protection
  • Provide information that assists in the identification of strategies and alternatives
  • Provide financial data to help select appropriate levels of investment for protection
  • Establish the recovery objectives and timeline