Follow these easy guidelines to make sure that you are safe while working in a laboratory:

  • Do not lean or put your equipment on lab benches or lab equipment.
  • There is no eating, drinking, or smoking in labs.
  • Always wash your hands before eating and after using chemicals or working in labs.
  • If you have any questions, contact the lab supervisor first, your supervisor next, and finally REHS.
What do you need to know when working in a laboratory?

Laboratories are safe to enter. But just because they are safe doesn't mean that you don't have to be careful.

  • Make sure you obey all warning signs.
  • Do not enter labs with x-ray or laser lights on.
  • Do not enter labs where alarms are sounding.​​​​
  • Do not touch anything with a radiation or biohazard symbol on it.
  • Do not touch containers of hazardous materials or chemicals.
  • Never clean spills in the lab unless the spill is from your cleaning materials (even if you made the spill).
  • Do not touch or remove contaminated glass.
  • Wear safety glasses or goggles at all times in the lab.
  • Inform the lab supervisor before doing any work.
  • The lab supervisor is responsible for ensuring your work area is free from hazards.
  • Do not touch or move chemicals in the lab.
  • Wear safety glasses or goggles at all times.

