University Policy

Please review University Policy 30.1.10: ID Issuance and Usage.

Damaged Cards

You are expected to take reasonable care in the use and storage of your ID card. ID cards physically worn or damaged due to normal use are reprinted and replaced free of charge upon the surrendering of all pieces of the old card. Assessment of damage will be at the sole discretion of the ID card office location manager. If damage appears intentional, or if all pieces are not surrendered, you will be required to pay the replacement fee.

Punching holes in ID cards is prohibited. The reissuing of such cards due to related damage is subject to the replacement fee, without exception.

Name/Status Change

Your ID card may be reissued at no charge due to a legal name change provided that your most recently issued ID card is returned for exchange. Information changes must be processed through the source information systems* and updated in the carding system before an updated ID card can be issued. All replacement cards are issued with existing system information and photos.

*Source Information Systems:
Students: Registrar’s Office
Faculty/Staff/Retirees: University Human Resources
Guests: OIT


  • Upon replacement, all previously issued ID cards will be rendered permanently suspended and will not be reactivated under any circumstances.
  • The type of ID card issued is dependent on your primary status role in the University.
  • You are permitted to have only one active ID card at any time.
  • ID cards are non-transferable, and remain the property of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, regardless of any replacement fees paid.
  • We reserve the right to confiscate and destroy all fraudulently used, or inactive cards. You may also be subject to institutional sanctions or criminal penalties.
  • Falsifying information in order to obtain an ID card is identity fraud and may subject you to prosecution to the full extent of the law.