
The purpose of the New Jersey Right-To-Know Act (NJRTK) is to provide workers with a mechanism to access information about chemicals used in the workplace. The information is provided through chemical inventories, labels, site-specific training, Safety Data Sheets (formerly known as Material Safety Data Sheets), and Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets.

A central file of the University's chemical inventory must be submitted to the NJ Department of Health and Senior Services every 5 years. A survey update is required annually for the intermediate years. REHS provides SDS/HSFS management, NJRTK training, and chemical inventory data management.


The New Jersey Right to Know labeling requirements involve the exact identification of chemicals in the workplace by using the chemical names and Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) numbers of the chemicals' contents.

Container labels must list the chemical name and CAS number of the five most predominant chemical ingredients in the container whether they are hazardous or non-hazardous. This is commonly referred to as "universal labeling." The Right to Know Hazardous Substance List provides a list of synonyms of chemical names that may also be used on the label. For chemicals not listed on the Right to Know Hazardous Substance List, any chemical name recognized by the Chemical Abstracts Service may be used. Any hazardous ingredients which are not in the top five ingredients must also be listed on the label (except if it is below 1%, or below 0.1% for carcinogens, mutagens, and teratogens).

If the content of the container is not known or if only some of the contents are known, the container must bear a label stating either "Contents Unknown" or "Contents Partially Unknown" and a good faith effort must be made to find out the ingredients. In the latter case, whatever chemicals are known must be listed on the label. A good faith effort must involve at least two contacts by letter and/or documented phone calls to the product's manufacturer or supplier. If an employer finds any additional ingredients of a product, the employer has up to 5 working days to add these ingredients to the existing label on the container.

The label must be a sign, emblem, sticker, or marker of a durable nature affixed to or stenciled onto a container. The printing on these labels must be easy to read, not obscured, and prominently displayed on the container. (N.J.A.C. 8:59-5.8) Labels must be affixed to new direct-use containers before containers are opened or within five working days of the container's arrival at the facility, whichever is sooner. A "direct use" container is a container that directly holds the product, such as a can of paint or a 55 gallon drum.


The Worker and Community Right to Know Act requires New Jersey public employers to provide their employees who are exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous chemical substances in the workplace with initial and annual education and training programs. The required course content must contain, at a minimum, the topics listed below and must include the opportunity for the employees to ask questions. Topics covered include a general overview of occupational health including hazard identification, exposure assessment, and the provisions of the RTK law.

Rutgers University offers both departmental and general RTK training sessions.

Training Session Schedule

Right-To-Know Central File

The current Right-To-Know (RTK) survey for Rutgers University is available online and at the REHS Office

RTK Survey 2013 through 2017

REHS Office
74 Street 1603 Piscataway, NJ 08854
(848) 445-2550

The REHS offices are open from 7:30am till 5pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets (HSFS)

HSFS are available online through the NJ Department of Health (NJDOH) website.

Safety Data Sheet Websites


Peter Skeels
(848) 445-2550