On or about June 12, construction will begin in Parking Deck 1, located at 200 University Avenue on the Newark Campus.

The stairwell exiting to Warren Place will be offline during the construction. The project will consist of a new entrance/exit door onto an accessible ramp and stair leading to the sidewalk on Warren Place. There will also be a depressed curb on the inside of the garage as part of the work. The parking spaces along the south wall of the garage will be offline during construction to allow for temporary egress from the stairwell to the front gate. 

Construction is expected to be completed by August 15.
Please check back for updates.


Parking permit holders: For additional DOTS related information and inquiries, please visit dotshelp.rutgers.edu
If you are a University Hospital employee, alumni, retiree, or a guest of the university, please email us at dotshelp@rutgers.edu.

dotsFor all DOTS related information and inquiries, please visit DOTSHelp.rutgers.edu.