To ensure true positional accuracy of geographic data and compatibility with digital information, Rutgers University's Institutional Planning and Operations division requires that all GIS data meet or reference a published standard, i.e. the United States National Map Accuracy Standard (NMAS), a state or federal GPS standard, or a defined survey standard. GIS data must also comply with the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Metadata Standard or FGDC endorsed geospatial metadata standards.   

All GIS data must be in New Jersey State Plane Coordinates (SPC) in North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) projected using Transverse Mercator. NAD83 is required for mapping in the horizontal plane, while the North America Vertical Datum (NAVD88) is required for the vertical plane. 

All data must be delivered in foot length measure. The accuracy test compares the position of points whose locations or elevations are shown against positions as determined by surveys of higher accuracy. The error factor must be less than that required by NMAS. Data not meeting the error requirement will be resubmitted to the consultant and corrected at the consultant's expense.   

GIS data must be delivered in standard media and digital formats: ESRI 10.X personal or enterprise/individual geo databases with the ESRI standard topology rules. The spatial topology should not contain any overshoots, slivers, open polygons, unlabeled polygons, or unresolved line segment intersections. Data should be topologically clean and error-free. 

All attributes should be coded according to Rutgers University requirements. Nationally recognized coding requirements are acceptable for soils, wetlands, and land use.